Mighty Ambassadors Are Helping Us Reach Children in Every Livingston Parish School
A Mighty Ambassador is someone who works in Livingston Parish schools and wants to help us reach more hungry kids. He or she needs to be a teacher, paraprofessional, administrator, counselor, or other school employee working in Livingston Parish public schools.
The Mighty Ambassador will help in the following ways:
- Assist the counselor in getting Full Tummy bags to students if he/she is off, sick, or helping in a classroom
- Getting important information about Mighty Moms to faculty and staff, such as enrollment qualifications, upcoming Childhood Hunger Awareness resources, food drives, contests, etc.
- Putting up fliers
- Sending out emails or sharing about Mighty Moms in staff meetings
- Serving as a resource for your school and educating teachers about new programs
- Spreading the word about our programs
- Letting us know about other needs in your school
The position isn’t going to require much time, but it will help us immensely in coordinating communication throughout the parish.
We are looking for one Mighty Ambassador from each school to serve as the liaison between Mighty Moms and the staff at your school.
If you’re a LPSB employee who wants to see all Livingston Parish students graduate with a full mind and a full tummy, click the link below to sign up.
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